Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Dios bendició al Rey David de manera increible, de niño pastor a rey, de mensajero a heroe de guerra, de un pueblito a líder de un gran imperio. Sin embargo, lo que más le importaba a David era que él y sus descendientes estuvieran cerca a Dios y que Dios mantuviera las promesas que le hizo. Más que cualquier descubrimiento en su vida de servicio, David aprendió que el futuro, que toda batalla y que cualquier esperanza descansaban en la presencia del Señor Dios de Israel. Cuando Dios habla, cumple con su palabra. Cuando Dios actua, lo hace para redimir. Por eso, David pide que Dios haga lo que anhela hacer, bendecir a su pueblo y cumplir con sus promesas.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God had blessed King David incredibly. God had taken him from a despised little brother and shepherd boy who became a great warrior and Israel's King. David went from an errand boy to a war hero, from a small nowhere town to become the leader of a great empire. David's concern, however, was that God would remain close to him and his descendants, upholding the promises he had made to David. More than any other discovery in his amazing life, David had learned that the future, that every battle, and that any real hope, lies in the presence of the Lord God of Israel with him and his descendants. When God speaks, he keeps his word. When God acts, he redeems, delivers, and brings victories. So, David asked God to do what God longs to do: bless his people and keep his promises. Which reminds us that he can do the same with us!

Mi oración

Dios Confiable y Honorable, mi Padre quien me sostiene y me bendice, gracias por tu presencia en mi vida y tus promesas a mi futuro. Te pido que me traigas a tu presencia con gran gozo tal como has prometido para que pueda morar en tu cas para siempre. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Trustworthy and honorable God, our Father who has sustained and blessed us, thank you for your presence in our lives and your promises for our future. Bring us into your presence with great joy, just as you promised, so that we can dwell in your house forever. In Jesus' name, we pray with anticipation. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 2 Samuel 7:29
