Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

No se donde estas tu, pero en esta época del año hace mucho calor en Agustín, Texas. No tienes que preocuparte mucho de los abrigos gruesos solo camina por la vereda. Pero esto me recuerda los abrigos abrazadores. Normalmente somos seducidos por nuestra temperatura favorita y nos quedamos en ella, pero el Espíritu Santo nos recuerda que si nos conformamos con las temperaturas agradables terminaremos quemándonos.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I don't know where you are, but this time of year, it's really hot where we live. You don't have to worry about hot coals; try the sidewalk! But this reminder about scorching coals is good for us all. We get to feeling so strong inside spiritually we slack off our spiritual focus with Jesus. That's when we are easily seduced by a "favorite" temptation, especially when we assume we can flirt with what is sinful. But the Holy Spirit reminds us through the Wise Man, Solomon, that when we flirt with evil and willingly expose ourselves to temptation, we will eventually get burned. We can't play with hot coals when we have bare souls, and we mustn't flirt with temptation when we know that Satan can burn us again and again for our sinful and rebellious mistakes!

Mi oración

Dios todopoderoso, padre amoroso y pastor amable, perdóname. Confieso que a veces me permito coquetear con lo que no es correcto y sagrado. Gracias por ayudarme diariamente a superar mi estupidez y bendecirme con la fortaleza para renovar mi convicción mientras busco ofrecerme completamente a ti. En el nombre de Jesús. Amen.

My Prayer...

Almighty God, loving Father and tender Shepherd, please forgive me. I confess that sometimes I allow myself to flirt with what is not wholesome, right, and holy. Thank you for often delivering me from my stupidities in this area — flirting with temptation and exposing myself to what is spiritually destructive. Please bless me with strength, wisdom, and renewed conviction as I seek to offer myself wholly and completely to you and as I seek to flee what is dangerous and sinful. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Proverbios 6:28
