Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Dios es misericordioso. Sí, conocemos la ira de Dios por las historias bíblicas en donde estaba furioso por la rebelión e injusticias de su pueblo. Pero la recordamos, precisamente, porque se ve en pocas ocasiones. Dios nos ha mostrado su corazón. Dios lo mostró a Níneve a pesar de lo que opinaba Jonás. Lo mostró en la compasión que tenía Jesús con las personas. Dios nos ha mostrado su misericordia y amor al llamarnos, nosotros pecadores, para estar con Él, para darnos su salvación. El hecho de que el Dios Todopoderoso, creador del cielo y la tierra, nos invitaría a acercarnos a Él es casi imposible de creer. Y ese mismo Dios nos dice que debemos compartir esa misericordia con otros.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God is merciful. Yes, we can probably recall some of those occasions when God was fed up and furious with the unrighteousness and rebellion of his people. But, we also remember them precisely because they did not occur that frequently over the hundreds of years he led the Israelites. God has shown us his heart by being gracious and forgiving with his ungrateful and forgetful people. God revealed his heart to us in Jesus' compassion as the Lord dealt with sick, broken, grieving, and sinful people in his earthly ministry. God has demonstrated his mercy and love with you and me by calling us, while we are sinners, to his side and to bring us salvation (Romans 5:5-11). He will not leave us unchanged and content with our sins. Yes, he does call us to change our ways. However, the generosity, mercy, and love of the almighty God, ruler of heaven and earth, to invite us near and give us a chance to experience his mercy is almost too good to be true — no wonder this same God calls us to share his mercy, love, and grace with others. We have been blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:1-3; 2 Corinthians 9:10-15).
Mi oración
Gracias, Dios Todopoderoso, por ser tan tierno así como poderoso, tan misericordioso así como justo, tan compasivo como santo. Ayúdame a crecer en estas áreas. Quiero ser justo, quiero tener una compasión fuerte, quiero ser sincero y misericordioso. Por favor Lléname de tu Espíritu y gentilmente hazme crecer en las áreas que necesito cambiar para que otros vean tu imagen en mí. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
My Prayer...
Thank you, Almighty God, for being tender as well as powerful, forgiving as well as righteous, and merciful as well as holy. Please mature me in these sets of character-defining traits. I don't want to be self-righteous but righteous. I don't want to be a bully, but compassionately strong. I don't want to be sanctimonious but loving and merciful. Please fill me with your Spirit and gently confront me in those areas that need growth and transformation. May others see in me a reflection of you and your righteous character, gracious compassion, and faithful lovingkindness. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.