Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Saber que Jesús es el Mesias de Dios es una cosa. Seguirle a Jesús como nuestro Señor es otra. Alinear a nuestras mentes, corazones y vidas es un desafio. Una vez que los dicipulos de Jesús lo confesaron como Señor, pudo enseñarles el camino verdadero a la gloria. Cada Evangelio nos recuerda que este camino pasó primero por la cruz de sufrimiento antes de llegar a la corona de gloria. La iglesia temprana lo captó en una canción que les acordaba que ellos también tenían que pasar por este camino (Filipenses 2:5-11). Somos gente camino al cielo, pero también seguramente pasaremos por los obstaculos que Satanás pondrá para detenernos. Nuestro Salvador, sin embargo, ya pasó por este camino y es nuestro recuerdo que nuestro camino nos llevará a compartir en su gloria.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Knowing Jesus is God's Messiah is one thing. Following Jesus as our Lord is quite another. Getting our minds, hearts, and lives to line up with Jesus is always a challenge. Once Jesus' disciples confessed him as the Christ, he knew he had to teach them the real road to glory. Each of the Gospels reminds us that this road led to the cross of agony before it led to the crown of glory. The early church captured it in a song that reminded them that they, too, must walk that same road of the cross as their Savior and Lord walked (see Philippians 2:5-11). We are heaven-bound people, but we can be sure that we will encounter potholes and bumps along the road and face some steep hills to climb as Satan tries to derail and defeat us. Our Savior, however, has already walked this road triumphantly. He is our great reminder that the path of the cross also leads us to share in our Lord's glory!

Mi oración

Amado Padre, conozco varios que estan luchando para seguir a Jesús. Dáles la fuerza y coraje para persistir. Utilíceme para animarles ayudandoles en este momento díficil en la vida. (Mencione los que conoce). En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Dear Father, I know several believers who are struggling to follow Jesus faithfully. I ask that you give them strength and courage to endure. Please use me to encourage them and to help them through this dark time in their lives. May my life and my words point them to Jesus. I want to specifically mention several people by name, people who are struggling... [Insert the names you want to mention.] and ask you to bless them. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Marcos 8:31
