Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Pablo se cuidaba de no tomar ayuda económica de los Corintios aunque sabía que era su derecho como ministro del evangelio. Reconociendo sus problemas con la generosidad, les mostró un gran ejemplo de vivir para Jesús sin esperar un premio inmediato. A veces es necesario que mostremos nuestros valores frente a los demás para que eventualmente los acepten. Pablo era muy adepto en entender a los que le rodeaban para poder vivir como ejemplo a ellos. Hagamos un compromiso de hacer lo mismo.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Paul was careful not to take support from the Corinthians even though it was his right as a minister of the Gospel. Instead, he knew their problems with generosity and showed them a greater example of living for Jesus without obvious and instant rewards. Often, we must show our values before others share them with us. Paul was a master at reading the needs around him and living in a way that was an example. He then would call them to follow his example as he followed the example of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:16, 11:1). By not receiving support for his ministry, Paul demonstrated to them that they needed to make a living with their own hands and be responsible (1 Corinthians 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:11). Let's commit to following Paul's example and live with integrity before others.

Mi oración

Dios Padre y Señor Todopoderoso, dame el coraje y la integridad para vivir según mis principios en una manera que sirva de ejemplo y bendición a los demás. Bendíceme, Amado Padre, con una vida que de gloria a tu nombre. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Father God and Almighty Lord, please give me the courage and integrity to live my principles in a way that is a blessing and an example to others. Bless me, dear Father, with a life that makes a mark on others for your glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 1a. de Corintios 9:15
