Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

La ira, la frustración, el desanimo y la perdida de control han derrotado algunos de los grandes lideres de Dios. Ser lider puede, a veces, ser una tarea muy difícil. Sin embargo, el pueblo de Dios se pierde si no tiene lideres fuertes llenos de determinación. A pesar de los fracasos de algunos lideres y los obstaculos que les enfrentan, el liderazgo es tan honorable como vital. ¿Donde estaría Israel sin Moises, Joshue o David? Asi si Dios te está llamando a ser lider, no acceptes la invitación ligeramente pero si acceptala. Si no eres lider, siempre debes de recordar de tener a los lideres en oración.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Anger, frustration, disappointment, and loss of self-control have sunk many of God's most significant leaders — even when what they have seen is horrible and dishonoring to God. Leading can sometimes be an agonizing and disappointing task. Yet God's people would perish without strong leaders full of godly conviction. Despite the failure of some of our leaders and the perils that can beset those who choose to lead, leadership is as honorable as it is vital! Where would Israel have been without Moses or Joshua or Hezekiah or David...? So if the Lord is calling you to lead, don't accept his invitation lightly, but please, accept it! If you are not a leader, please remember to pray for your leaders and their families as they seek to honor God through their leadership (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:7-8, 17).

Mi oración

Señor Santo, bendice a Tu iglesia con lideres de gran fe, coraje, tenacidad y integridad. Bendícenos con coraje para contestar cuando nos llames a servirte. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Holy Lord, please bless your Church with leaders of great faith, courage, endurance, and integrity. Open my heart to my leaders and use me to bless and encourage them. Bless those you've gifted to lead with the courage to answer you when you call them to serve you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Deuteronomio 9:17
