Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

La mujer que dijo esto conocía la soledad y el rechazo. Por 12 años tuvo una enfermedad que la hizo ver como un ser inmundo ante la ley judía. Quedó como encarcelada en su condición. Tal como Jesús la liberó de su cárcel (versículo 22), anhela la librarte para ti también. ¿Qué cosa te tiene atado? Jesús quiere darte la libertad por medio de cinco regalos: 1)las Escrituras que te ayudan a conocer la voluntad de Dios 2)tu rendimiento a Él como Señor 3)la limpieza de tu pecado y culpa 4)el don del Espíritu Santo para darte poder y 5)la familia de hermanos y hermanas en Cristo para darte apoyo y reclamar tu crecimiento en Él. Estos son las cinco llaves preciosas a la libertad.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

A desperate and lonely woman who had been ill for years came to Jesus for healing after spending all her money on doctors who could not help her. She knew ostracism and loneliness because of her twelve-year bout with an illness that made her unclean under Jewish law. Her condition imprisoned her and made her life nearly unlivable socially, physically, and religiously.

Just as Jesus freed her from her prison (vs. 22), he also longs to free you from yours. What holds you captive? Jesus longs to give you freedom through at least five gifts:

  1. The Scriptures to help you know God's will and protect yourself from harm.
  2. Your surrender to his lordship as you let him lead you.
  3. Your cleansing from sin, guilt, and shame.
  4. The gift of the Holy Spirit to empower you, help you overcome sin, and become more like Jesus.
  5. His family of brothers and sisters to support you, encourage you, help you, and hold you accountable to your commitment to him.

These are five of God's precious keys to freedom. So, dear friend, in your heart, "touch his cloak" by reaching out to him, confessing him as your Savior, and honoring him as your Lord.

Mi oración

Padre, hoy oro por todos aquellos que necesitan ser liberados de la mano de Satanás. En el nombre poderoso y santo de Jesús oro con confianza. Amen.

My Prayer...

Father, I pray today for all those who need deliverance from the evil one's grip in whatever form he has in their lives. I confidently pray in Jesus' mighty and holy name, asking that you, the Lord of all creation, to break the bonds that hold each of our readers captive to the evil one. Amen

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Mateo 9:21
