Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
No merecemos la gracia que necesitamos. No tenemos derecho a presumir del perdón de Dios. No tenemos razón para esperar el rescate de Dios. Pero en Jesús, Dios nos ha mostrado su increíble amor y generosidad. Podemos pedir confiadamente su piedad y recibir su gracia, perdón e intervención, no por merecerla, sino por quien es Él y por su glorioso nombre.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We don't deserve the grace we need. We have no right to presume on God's forgiveness. We have no reason to expect divine deliverance. But in Jesus, God... Don't you love that phrase? But in Jesus, God has shown us his incredible love, grace, mercy, and deliverance. We can confidently call on his mercy and grace to receive his forgiveness, deliverance, and new life — not because we deserve it, but because of who God is and his great love for us. God's grace and forgiveness aren't just about bringing us salvation but also about magnifying his glorious name.
Mi oración
Dios Santo, necesito tu gracia y perdón. Necesito tu rescate de la tentación. Sin tu poder y misericordia seguramente fallaré. Que la gracia que me das te de gloria. Que el perdón que me das ayude a otros a honrarte. Que el rescatarme del pecado le fe gloria a tu nombre. En el nombre de Jesús, oro. Amen.
My Prayer...
Holy and awesome, God, I need your grace and forgiveness. I need your deliverance from the tempter's snare. Without your power and mercy, I will surely fail. May the grace you extend to me and the strength you display through me bring you praise. May the forgiveness you lavish on me bring others to honor you because they know your love and grace. May your deliverance of me from the tempter's snare bring glory to your name. In Jesus, my Savior's name, I pray. Amen.