Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Después de una lista de vicios, Pablo termina con esta palabra de gracia. Todos tenemos la tendencia a vivir en el pasado. Para algunos las victorias del pasado son la excusa perfecta para ser arrogantes. Este pasaje nos dice que no tenemos que vivir atados a los errores del pasado. Somos limpios. Somos santos. Fuimos declarados inocentes. ¿Cómo? ¿Por qué? ¿Por quién? Por medio del sacrificio y el triunfo de Jesucristo y la obra poderosa del Espíritu Santo.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Following a list of scandalous and common vices (1 Corinthians 6:9-10), Paul finished his exhortation with this incredible word of grace. He had to do it because we all tend to live in the land of "I-used-to-be." For some of us, our past accomplishments become our excuse to live in the arrogant afterglow of yesterday. Paul wrote Philippians 3:4-9 for this group. For others, the wounds and sins of our past become the bag of heavy rocks we drag with us through the rest of life. We take those rancid rocks out and inspect them again to our misery. We use them to prove why we can't move on with our lives. What a glorious awakening Paul gives the Corinthians and, through them, gives us in this passage. In Christ, there are no more bags and no more rocks. We're clean! We're made holy! We are freed from our past! We're declared innocent of any wrongdoing. How? Why? Who? The sacrifice and triumph of Jesus and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit changed everything for us.
Mi oración
Perdóname, Padre, por enfocarme en el ayer, arruinando el día de hoy y poniendo el mañana en peligro. Ayúdame con mi tendencia de vivir en el pasado. Dame el valor para creer que quieres hacer algo nuevo en mí, sin importar mi pasado. Usáme para tu gloria. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
My Prayer...
Forgive me, Father, for lingering on yesterdays, ruining my todays, and clouding my tomorrows. Help me with my tendency to live in the land of "I-used-to-be." Please give me the courage to believe that you have put my past in its proper place and want me to do a new glorious thing in me today, a magnificent and gracious something that brings you honor! In Jesus' name, I thank you. Amen.