Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Adoramos a Dios con reverencia porque él es un fuego consumidor. ¿Qué significa eso? ¿Nos habla de su santidad? ¿Su juicio? ¿Su pureza? Sí, sí y sí. Dios es santo, puro y justo. Nuestras imperfecciones, nuestras fallas, nuestros fracasos, y nuestros pecados se ven con claridad al lado de su perfección. Pero en vez de destruírnos con su fuego santo, nos limpia y nos renueva para que podamos ser lo que éramos una vez. Podemos acercarnos a Él por medio de Jesús y quedarnos cerca de Él por vivir la vida de Jesús en nuestro mundo. Eso, querido amigo, es adoración reverente.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We should worship God with reverence because he is a consuming fire! Mmm. What does that mean? Is the focus on his holiness? Does this warn of judgment against sin? Is this an expression of his purity? YES, YES, YES! You see, God is holy, pure, and righteous. Our imperfections, flaws, failures, and sins stand out glaringly compared to his perfection. Yet rather than destroying us with his holy fire, God longs to make us new, clean, and so much more than we once were through the cleansing and empowering presence of his sacred fire, the Holy Spirit, within us (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Not only can we draw near to him because of Jesus, but we also can stay near him as we live Jesus' life in our world as our daily worship (Hebrews 13:1-16; Romans 12:1-2). That, dear friend, is reverential worship at its finest!
Mi oración
Dios santo y justo, perdona mi pecado, mi falta de valor y mi fe ineficaz. Gracias por no comprometer tu santidad y por sacrificar tu Hijo para perfeccionarme y purificarme por tu gracia para que pueda acercarme a ti. Que tu santidad sea exaltada en mi vida esta semana. En el nombre de Jesucristo, mi Señor y mi Salvador. Amén.
My Prayer...
Righteous and holy God, please forgive me for my sin, lack of boldness, and unexercised faith. Thank you for not compromising your holiness but sacrificing your Son to perfect and purify me by your grace so I can come before you. As I live this week, may your holiness be exalted by my conduct and reflected in my character. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.