Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Las palabras de Jesús son fuertes, pero hay una razón. Los cristianos necesitan reconocer que no van a ser el poder dominante en su sociedad. Ser discípulo puede ser difícil; la mayoría de la gente quiere las cosas fáciles. Los valores del discípulo no van a ser aceptados por la gran mayoría. “¡Estén listos!" dice Jesús “Van a enfrentar la oposición y el rechazo." Aunque sepamos que puede ser una batalla cambiar a los corazones de la gente, aun así podemos ser instrumentos de Dios para bendecirles y guiarles hacia Jesús. Y después nos espera la salvación con toda su gloria.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Wow! Jesus' words are emphatic and decisive! He chose these challenging words because his followers — that's us today — must realize they will not be the dominant or accepted culture during most of the world's history. Discipleship is difficult and demanding; most folks want things simple and easy. The values Jesus called his disciples to embody are generally unfavorable to the dominant cultures of our world. "So, be ready!" Jesus was essentially telling us. "Be ready to face criticism and rejection." While we know life as a disciple may be an uphill battle to change the hearts of men and women of the world, with the Spirit's help, we can be God's tools to bless others and lead them closer to him! Jesus called us to do that throughout his teaching and example during his earthly ministry (Matthew 5:11-16). Salvation in all its glory awaits us at our journey's end. Hopefully, we will influence others to join us in our journey to Jesus despite the opposition of those who reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ!

Mi oración

Perdóname, Amado Padre, por las veces que he sido impaciente con el mundo, mirándolo como un enemigo en vez del objeto de tu gracia. Ayúdame a tener la sabiduría y el coraje de enfrentarlo y a su vez quererlo como tú lo has querido. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén.

My Prayer...

Forgive us, dear Father, for we have often grown impatient with the world around us and started seeing it as the enemy rather than our target for your grace. Please give us the wisdom and the courage to balance our understanding of the world with your passion to redeem it through Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Mateo 10:22
