Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Me encanta el pedido que un amigo mío le hace al Señor a menudo, "Hazme humilde, Padre, pero suavemente." La transformación da mucho trabajo y requiere aún más paciencia de parte de Dios que de nosotros. Demos gracias a Dos por su gracia que nos permite reconocer nuestro pecado y a su vez entrar en su presencia santa. Gracias a Él, no nos trata como merecemos sino como necesitamos (Salmo 103).

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jeremiah frequently struggled with the hard message the Lord gave him to communicate to God's people. He often wept over and complained to God about what he was given to communicate. While he knew he was wrong to complain, he begged the Lord to correct him with justice and mercy, not anger and punishment. This request reminds me of a similar request a good friend regularly makes of the Lord when he prays, recognizing his own weaknesses and failings: "Humble me gently, Father," he often prays. Our transformation, which requires correction and grace, is hard work and requires even more patience on God's part than on our part. So we thank God for his grace, which lets us admit our sin and yet still come into his holy and awesome presence, knowing he will be both just and merciful, righteous and gracious. Thankfully, the Lord doesn't treat us as we deserve but as we need (Psalm 103:1-22). We, too, can pray, "Correct me, Lord, but only with justice — not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing."

Mi oración

Querido Dios, sé que peco. No me gusta que sea así, pero aun así me encuentro a veces controlado por mis debilidades. Corrígeme poniéndome en el camino de la santidad. Aún más que complacerte, quiero honrarte. Por favor te pido que de manera delicada y considerada saques de mi corazón el engaño y la debilidad espiritual. Nútreme en la santidad. Cámbiame para que sea más como Jesús. En su nombre, Amén.

My Prayer...

Dear God, I sin. I don't like it when I sin, but I still find myself succumbing to some of my long-standing weaknesses. Please correct me and put me on the path of righteousness, dear Father, but please humble me gently, not correcting me in your anger but in transforming me by your discipline and grace. Even more than wanting to please you, dear Father, I want to honor you even more. So please, gently and consistently rid my heart of duplicity, deceit, and spiritual weakness. Nurture me in holiness. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Jeremias 10:24
