Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
El deseo de Dios que obedezcamos a su voluntad no es un capricho. Quiere que reflejemos su carácter, encontrando sus bendiciones y recibiendo su poder. No debemos mirar el obedecimiento como algún compromiso pesado, sino como una bendición para descubrir. Dios nos dio mandamientos para obedecer, principios para guiarnos y justicia para buscar sus bendiciones.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God desires that we obey his will, and that will is not arbitrary, impulsive, or unfair. Our Father wants us to reflect his character, rest in his blessing, and receive his strength to restore our freedom as he delivers us from bondage. Let's not look at his call for us to obey him as merely something we must do but as our opportunity to step into the life of blessing that we discover in God's grace. God commands us to obey him so that we can find the new frontiers of grace where he longs to lead us.
Mi oración
Señor y Padre, gracias por revelarme tu voluntad, llamándome a la obediencia. Sé que Tu deseo es compartir tus bendiciones conmigo trayéndome a tu presencia eterna. En el nombre de Jesús te agradezco, Amén.
My Prayer...
Lord and Father, thank you for revealing your will and calling me to obey it. I know you desire to share your blessings with me and bring me into your eternal presence. I choose to obey so I can have the strength to step into the life you long to give me as your obedient child. In Jesus' name, I thank you. Amen.