Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Dios es asombrosamente fuerte. Puede hacer lo que quiera. Entre todas las cosas que podía hacer, decidió bendecirnos. Nos bendice con cosas materiales, bendiciones espirituales, cosas grandes, cosas pequeñas. Nos bendice con esperanza ahora y para siempre…
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God is awesome and mighty. He can do anything he chooses to do. So isn't it amazing that of all the things he could do, God chooses to love and bless us? God blesses us with material blessings. He blesses us with spiritual things. He blesses us with big things and small things and things in between. He blesses us with hope. He blesses us beyond pain. He blesses us now and in the future. He blesses us and works things out for our best eternal outcome (Romans 8:28). So we honor him with our reverent respect — not a cowering fear but a loving awe and delight — remembering all the great things he has done.
Mi oración
Padre generoso, gracias por bendecirme de tantas formas. Usa mi vida para bendecir a otros, glorificándote. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
My Prayer...
Generous and gracious God, thank you for blessing me in so many ways I can't count them all. Please use my life to be a blessing to others that leads them to a life blessed with you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.