Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
El mensaje de Dios no se contentó en limitarse a un libro, profecía o pergamino ¡Gracias a Dios! Este Mensaje, esta Palabra, tomó carne, sangre y hueso. Gracias al Dios Todopoderoso. Este Mensaje, esta Palabra, no se mantuvo lejos, distante, santo y aparatado ¡Gracias al Señor, Dios de Israel! Nos vino envuelto en carne humana, trayendo amor, esperanza, redención, misericordia, salvación y gozo…
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God's Message, this Word, wasn't content to stay confined to a book, a prophecy, or a scroll. Praise God! God's Message, his ultimate Word, took on flesh, blood, and bones! Praise God Almighty! God's Message, his Word incarnate, didn't remain far off, distantly holy or unapproachable. Praise the Lord, God of Israel because God's Message, his Word sent to us, came near "full of grace and truth" in Jesus. This Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us" to bring us love, hope, redemption, mercy, salvation, joy, and so much more! God's Word, Jesus, "became flesh and made his dwelling among us"!
Mi oración
Dios Todopoderoso, alabo y exalto a tu nombre por encima de todos los nombres. Tu amor es más grande que todos los océanos. Tu misericordia se extiende más allá del espacio. Tu gracia no se puede calcular. Tu salvación es maravillosa e incomparable. Gracias por bendecirme con todo eso en Jesús, quien vino y vivió en mi mundo para que pueda hacer mi hogar en el tuyo. En el nombre de Cristo el Señor, te alabo, Amen.
My Prayer...
Almighty God, I praise and exalt your name above all names. Your love is greater than the volume of all of our oceans. Your mercy stretches farther than the great expanses of our known space. Your grace is beyond calculation. Your salvation is marvelous beyond compare. Thank you for blessing me with all of these in Jesus, your Word, who came and lived in my world so I can make my home in yours. In the name of Christ the Lord, your Word who became flesh, I praise you. Amen.