اندیشه ها در مورد آیه امروز...

«یک مرد باید از خودش مراقبت کند!» آری، ما باید مسئول دوستانمان باشیم. اما، بخشی از مسئول بودن و بخشی از برکت یافتن ــ حداقل در نظر خداوند ــ این است که ما از دیگران مواظبت کنیم‌ و از محرومان دفاع نماییم و در کار مظلومان مداخله کنیم. بعلاوه، ما «پاسبان خواهران و برادران» خود هستیم!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"As a man, you've got to learn to take care of Yourself!" My dad's words were worn into my heart as he gave me jobs and taught me responsibility as a teenager. We do have to be responsible for our actions and taking care of ourselves. But, part of being blessed and taking care of ourselves — at least as God sees it — is caring for others, sticking up for the disadvantaged, and intervening when someone else is being exploited. After all, we are our "brothers' and sisters' keepers!" What convicts me most about this passage, however, are the three verbs for me to obey: encourage, defend, and plead. I can't sit on the sideline and hope someone else takes care of the needs!

دعای من

ای خداوند، خودخواهی را از مرکز زندگیم دور کن چونکه مرا از توجه و رسیدگی کردن به مظلومان، محرومان، فراموش شدگان، و شکسته دلان باز میدارد. به من چشمان نگران خودت را بده و قلب پرعطوفت عیسی را تا آنان را دیده و خدمتشان نمایم. در نام او، خداوند عیسی مسیح دعا میکنم. آمین.

My Prayer...

Remove the heart of selfishness, O God, that sometimes keeps me from caring for the oppressed, abused, forgotten, and broken. Give me your eyes of concern and Jesus' heart of compassion to see the oppressed, fatherless, and widowed. O, Holy Spirit, please stir me to action and help me minister to them. In his name, the Lord, Jesus, the compassionate Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of اشعیا ۱۷:۱
