اندیشه ها در مورد آیه امروز...

خیلی راحت است که ما در مورد خودمون به عنوان اشخاصی معمولی فکر کنیم که ثروتمند نیستند. اما اگر ما دسترسی به کامپیوتر داریم که میتوانیم ایمیل مان را بخوانیم٬ ما از بقیه جهان ثروتمندتر هستیم. اجازه ندهیم که «چیزهای مان» مانع از ایمان و شفقت مان بشود! خدا می خواهد به شترهای ما کمک کند تا از سوراخ سوزن رد شوند. او این کار را انجام خواهد داد٬ اگر ما بیاد داشته باشیم که دارایی های مان هدیه ای است از جانب او٬ و او می خواهد که ما از آنها برای برکت دادن به دیگران و تجلیل خودش استفاده کنیم.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

It is so easy to think of ourselves as average-income people who are not wealthy. So Jesus resorts to a bit of sarcastic humor, talking about trying to get a camel's big nose and humpy back with its long legs through the eye of a sewing needle. (No! Jesus is not talking about a gate in the Jerusalem wall where camels had to crawl to get through it — that was named hundreds of years after Jesus!) The bottom line truth? If we can access a computer, phone, or tablet to read e-mail, we're richer than much of the world. Let's not let our "stuff" get in the way of our faith and compassion. God wants to help our camels get through the eyes of our needles. He yearns for us to remember that all we have is a gift from him and that he intends us to use it to bless others and honor him.

دعای من

پدر مهربان٬ گاهی اوقات برایم خیلی سخت است که نگران مسایل مالی نباشم. من میدانم که به فراوانی برکت یافته ام و از مزایای بسیاری برخوردارم. اما پدر٬ دلم نمیخواهد که دارایی ام٬ مالک من باشد و نمی خواهم که با تلاش برای بدست آوردن چیزهایی که ندارم٬ از مسیر منحرف شوم. کمکم کن تا غنا را در مهربانی٬ سخاوت٬ و قدردانی برای برکاتت جستجو کنم. در نام عیسی دعا می کنم.آمین.

My Prayer...

Tender Father, it is sometimes hard for me not to worry about money issues. I know that you have richly blessed me with many advantages and privileges. But dear Father, I don't want to be owned by the things I possess — I don't want them to possess me. I don't want to be sidetracked by trying to acquire what I don't have. I don't want to keep ordering frivolous stuff to make myself happy, fit in socially, or feel secure. Please help me as I seek to be rich in kindness, generosity, and thankfulness with what you have graciously shared with me. In Jesus' name, I thank you. Amen.

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Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of مرقس ۲۵:۱۰
