Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...
«Jésus est le Fils de Dieu». Six mots simples. Cependant, ce sont bien plus que de simples mots; ils sont la porte qui ouvre notre cœur à Dieu. Alors ce soir, alors que vous confessez Jésus comme Fils de Dieu, accueillez consciemment et intentionnellement Dieu dans votre cœur. Le Père vit dans la personne qui confesse le Fils!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
"Jesus is the Son of God."
Six simple words. However, they are much more than simple words when we believe them! They are the doorway that opens our hearts to God. So, today, as you confess Jesus as God's Son, consciously and intentionally welcome God into your heart. He longs to live with you and in you. And as you pursue Jesus by knowing more about him, the Holy Spirit is at work transforming you to become like your Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). As you listen to Jesus and obey him, he promises us that he and the Father will join the Holy Spirit (our Comforter and helper) and make their home in us (John 14:21, 23, 26) because we have confessed the Son and are seeking to live for him!
Ma Prière...
Père, je veux vivre ma vie et centrer mon cœur en toi. Je confesse volontiers que Jésus est le Fils de Dieu, mon Seigneur et mon Sauveur. Je te loue et je te remercie au nom de Jésus-Christ. Amen.
My Prayer...
Father, I want to live my life in and center my heart on your Son. I gladly confess that Jesus is the Son of God. He is also my Lord and my Savior. I praise and thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, trusting in the intercession of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. Amen.