Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...

Bien que nous parlions souvent de Jésus comme de notre Seigneur et Sauveur, nous pouvons aussi trouver facile d'ignorer sa voix. Prenons l'engagement de lire chacun des quatre évangiles (Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean) avant la fin de l'année. Et pendant que nous lisons, faisons-le comme une recherche du cœur de Jésus et demandons à Dieu de nous aider à mieux le connaître.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

While we often talk about Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can also find it easy to ignore his voice, or worse, hear Jesus' words and ignore them. Our obedience to what Jesus says demonstrates that we have put our faith in him. To foolishly disobey, ignore, or neglect to do what Jesus says is to show that we don't believe him to be our Lord to DO what he says to us as our Lord! Jesus promised a very rude awakening at judgment for those who take this attitude (Matthew 7:21-27). So, let's commit to reading through each of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) before the end of the year. As we read about Jesus' life and teachings, let's do it as a search for the heart of Jesus and ask God to help us know him better and follow him more thoroughly and more obediently as the Holy Spirit conforms us to be more like him (2 Corinthians 3:18)!

Ma Prière...

Sois avec moi, cher Père, alors que je cherche à mieux connaître Jésus et à obéir plus fidèlement à ses paroles en lisant tes saintes Écritures, qui trouvent leur centre en lui. En son nom, Jésus, Fils de Dieu et Fils de l'homme, je prie. Amen.

My Prayer...

Be with me, dear Father, as I seek to know Jesus better and obey his words more faithfully as I read your holy Scriptures, which find their center in him. So, I pray for obedience in my daily life in the name of my Lord, Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man, and my Savior. Amen.

Les pensées et la prière du Verset du Jour sont écrits par Phil Ware.
Vous pouvez envoyer des questions ou des commentaires à [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Jean 8:30
