Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...

Dieu veut que nous soyons un peuple généreux et soucieux. Nous ne devons pas nous préoccuper de notre «truc» mais de l'œuvre de Dieu et des besoins des autres, en particulier ceux qui sont impuissants et ne peuvent pas se défendre.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God wants us to be generous, compassionate, holy, and righteous. Why? Because that is who he is: holy and full of righteous character (1 Peter 1:13-16; 2 Peter 1:5-11) as well as full of gracious compassion (Exodus 34:6-7; Deuteronomy 10:18). This kind of well-rounded kind of godly character must show up in how we live our daily lives. We must be both holy and righteous as well as compassionate and gracious. Righteousness and holiness must not be compromised. Neither should compassion and grace be set aside. Many of us find this a difficult balance. Still, it is a balance we are called to keep as we seek to honor our God by reflecting his character in our lives and as the Holy Spirit increasingly transforms us into the character of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 5:22-23). After all, Jesus was the living demonstration of God's righteous character and gracious compassion in human flesh (John 1:1-3, 14-18).

Ma Prière...

O Père de l'orphelin, s'il vous plaît, fortifiez ma compassion et mon engagement à travailler pour ceux qui sont oubliés, maltraités, privés de leurs droits et mis de côté. Au nom de Jésus, je prie. Amen.

My Prayer...

O God, you are holy and righteous. You are also the God of compassion to the fatherless. Please increase our compassion and commitment to work for those who are forgotten, abused, disenfranchised, and pushed aside. Please move us to a deeper hunger for holiness that reflects your will. We want your full character, the character Jesus demonstrated, to be formed in our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Les pensées et la prière du Verset du Jour sont écrits par Phil Ware.
Vous pouvez envoyer des questions ou des commentaires à [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Ésaïe 10:1-2
