Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...

Quel beau défi! Encore plus belle est la promesse que Dieu nous aidera à briser le terrain non labouré dans nos cœurs pendant que nous le cherchons. Il répandra sur nous ses bénédictions et sa justice alors que nous poursuivons sa justice.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

In the middle of God's rebuke of his people through Hosea the prophet, God gives his people this beautiful challenge: "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love." God promises to help us break up the "unplowed" and hardened ground in our hearts as we seek him. As our hearts soften to God's loving grace, he promises to shower his blessing of righteousness on us as we pursue him and his ways. So, rather than seeing God's call for us to be righteous as a hard goal to pursue, let's see it as a great blessing to receive as we seek him and open our softened hearts to him!

Ma Prière...

Ô SEIGNEUR Très-Haut, purifie et cultive mon cœur avec ton Saint Esprit afin qu'il soit doux et réceptif à ta volonté et compatissant envers ceux qui en ont besoin. Fais-en un lieu saint pour que ton Esprit vive. Au nom de Jésus, je prie. Amen.

My Prayer...

O Lord Most High, use your Holy Spirit to purify and cultivate my heart so that it is soft and receptive to your will and compassionate to those in need. Please make it a holy place for your Spirit to live as you shower your righteousness on me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Les pensées et la prière du Verset du Jour sont écrits par Phil Ware.
Vous pouvez envoyer des questions ou des commentaires à [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Osée 10:12
