Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...
La paresse n'est pas seulement une attitude, c'est un manque d'action. C'est un choix de laisser les choses importantes souffrir de la négligence. Bien que les résultats de ce choix ne soient pas toujours évidents, au fil du temps, les résultats fondamentaux de l'oisiveté sont confirmés par l'accumulation des signes de décomposition et de destruction.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Laziness is not just an attitude; it is a lack of action. It is a choice to let important matters suffer and neglect what is necessary. The results of this choice of laziness over action may not always be immediately evident. However, with time, the accumulating signs of decay make the results of idleness very clear. This is doubly true spiritually. I wonder how many people have remained lost because God's people were lazy about reaching out to the lost and broken. I wonder how many great Kingdom projects never happened because we chose not to make the effort to see them through to completion. Laziness isn’t just an attitude of neglect but also a choice not to act!
Ma Prière...
Remue en moi, cher Père céleste, la passion de faire ce qui est vrai, bon et juste. Condamne mon cœur lorsque je néglige ce qui est important. S'il te plaît, aide-moi à discerner la différence entre la paresse et un réel besoin de repos et d'équilibrer ma vie entre mes nombreuses responsabilités. Au nom de Jésus, je prie. Amen.
My Prayer...
Stir in me, dear Heavenly Father, a passion to do what is true, good, and righteous. Please help me as I seek to do those good things now while I have the conviction and the moment in time to do them. Convict my heart, dear God, that when I neglect what is important, I neglect your work in my world. At the same time, dear Father, please help me discern the difference between laziness and my genuine need for rest as I try to balance my life between my many responsibilities. I ask for your guidance, O Lord, to honor you with my life, work, rest, and diligence. Amen.