Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...
Briser les barrières raciales et culturelles n'est jamais facile. Heureusement, l'Esprit de Dieu ne nous permet pas de nous installer confortablement dans nos préjugés. Au lieu de cela, nous sommes mis au défi, conduits et poussés à briser la haine raciale et l'ignorance culturelle. Soyons le genre de personnes qui se réjouissent et louent Dieu alors que chaque barrière séparant les gens tombe. Continuons jusqu'à ce que la promesse triomphante de l'Evangile soit accomplie: "Il n'y a plus de Juif ou de Gentil, d'esclave ou de libre, d'homme ou de femme. Car vous êtes tous chrétiens - vous êtes un en Christ Jésus" (Galates 3:28). En faisant cela, nous anticipons l'incroyable choeur du ciel qui loue Dieu avec des gens de chaque langue, tribu, peuple et nation (Apocalypse 7: 9-11).
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Breaking through racial and cultural barriers is never easy, but this was the challenge early church leaders faced when the Holy Spirit led Peter to share the gospel with Cornelius and his household, and they became disciples of Jesus. The Jewish disciples had not anticipated Gentiles to come into Jesus' church. Thankfully, God's Spirit didn't let them settle comfortably into their prejudices. Instead, the Spirit challenged, led, and pushed them to break through racial hatred and cultural ignorance. So must we, today. Let's be the kind of people, Jesus' people, who rejoice and praise God as every racial barrier dividing people fall in Jesus. Let's press on until the triumphant promise of the Gospel is fulfilled: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28). In doing this, we anticipate the incredible chorus of heaven as it praises God with folks from every language, tribe, people, and nation (Revelation 7:9-11). God longs to invite all peoples of the earth into his family of grace, love, and life!
Ma Prière...
Dieu Saint, je te demande de bénir tous ceux qui, partout, essaient de franchir les barrières culturelles, linguistiques et nationalistes pour partager la grâce de Jésus avec ceux qui ne te connaissent pas. Fais-leur savoir qu'ils t'apportent de la joie et anticipe les louanges qui t'entourent de gloire! Au nom de Jésus, je prie. Amen.
My Prayer...
Holy God, we ask that you bless all those everywhere who are trying to cross cultural, linguistic, and nationalistic barriers sharing the grace of Jesus with those who do not know you. Help them know they are bringing you joy and anticipating the praise that surrounds you in glory! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.