Pensées sur le Verset du Jour...

Tous les empires faits sur terre finiront par basculer. Chaque structure faite par l’homme se décomposera et tombera. Dieu, cependant, nous a donné un royaume, qui ne peut pas rouiller, gâter, ou s’estomper, gardé dans le ciel pour nous. Il ne pourrit pas ou ne ruine pas et aucun voleur ne peut entrer par effraction et le voler.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Every earth-made empire will eventually topple, and every man-made structure will decay and fall. God, however, has given us a kingdom that can't rust, spoil, or fade, kept in heaven for us. What will we do in response to this great gift? Worship with reverence and awe! The Holy Spirit isn't talking about worship in a church building. Our worship in reverence and awe is what we do in our daily lives. We worship by...

  • Keeping on loving each other as brothers and sisters (Hebrews 13:1).
  • Offering hospitality to strangers (Hebrews 13:2).
  • Remembering and caring for those in prison and those who are mistreated (Hebrews 13:3).
  • Honoring marriage among us and keeping our marriage beds pure by keeping ourselves free from sexual immorality (Hebrews 13:4).
  • Learning to be content with what we have and keeping our lives free from the love of money (Hebrews 13:5).
  • Honoring godly leaders as we imitate the holy things we see in their lives (Hebrews 13:7).
  • Keeping ourselves away from novel and strange teachings (Hebrews 13:8).
  • Following Jesus despite opposition, willing to bear disgrace for him (Hebrews 13:13).
  • Offering God the sacrifice of our praise through Jesus as we profess our allegiance to God (Hebrews 13:15).
  • Remembering to do good and sharing with others (Hebrews 13:16).

Is this really the worship we are to offer with reverence and awe? Yes, because God is pleased with this worship in our daily lives (Hebrews 13:16).

Ma Prière...

Toutes les louanges et adorations sont à Toi, Ô grand Roi des âges. Merci de m’avoir donné une place dans ton royaume incomparable, indestructible et inconquérable. Au nom de Jésus, je te loue. Amen.

My Prayer...

All praise and adoration be yours, O great King of the Ages. Thank you for giving me a place in your incomparable, indestructible, and unconquerable Kingdom. In Jesus' name, I worship, live, and praise you. Amen.

Les pensées et la prière du Verset du Jour sont écrits par Phil Ware.
Vous pouvez envoyer des questions ou des commentaires à [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Hébreux 12:28-29
