오늘의 묵상
(유혹에 노출되는 것은) "만약"의 문제가 아니라 "시간"의 문제입니다. 우리의 아이들은 엄청난 "동료간 집단 압력"(peer pressure)에 노출됩니다. 우리 자신도 마찬가지이지요! 우리는 그런 유혹이나 꾀임에 저항하도록 아이들을 도와야 합니다. 더욱이, 우리 자신도 그 유혹을 맞서는 일에 지쳐버리는 일도 없어야 할 것입니다.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
The real issue isn't "if" but "when" we're enticed and tempted! Our children face tremendous peer pressure and temptations. We do, too! We must help them resist the enticements of this pressure. Also, we must never tire of resisting them ourselves. One example of a parent preparing his child for trials and temptations is found when God affirmed his Son, Jesus, with affirming words at his baptism when he opened the heavens and said: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased" (Luke 3:21). And if the words weren't enough, God opened the heavens and sent down Holy Spirit in the form of a dove! How vital were these words of affirmation? When we see what happened next, Jesus' forty days of temptation in the wilderness, we realize they were essential! Satan's first words to Jesus were, "If you are the Son of God..." God had already blessed his Son with words of affirmation and encouragement before his trials. How much more do those we love need our words of affirmation and love to resist their trials and temptations?!
내 기도
오 하나님, 저는 여러가지 유혹과 꾀임을 직면하고 있습니다. 나의 심령과 삶을 지켜 주십시오. 품성과 정직함을 갖춘 인물이 되도록 도와주시고, 또한 나의 자녀들-육체의 자녀뿐 아니라 믿음의 자녀들-을 보호하고 안내하며 훈계할 수 있도록 능력을 덧입혀 주시옵소서. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.
My Prayer...
O God, I do face temptations and enticements. Please guard my heart, my life, and my example. Please help me be a person of character and integrity. In addition, please enable me to lead, protect, guard, and warn my loved ones — those in my physical and spiritual families — and help them avoid stumbling and falling in trials and temptations. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.