오늘의 묵상

다윗은 언약궤가 돌아오던 날 기쁨으로 가득차 기뻐 뛰며 춤을 추었는데, 이로 인해 비웃음을 샀습니다. 하지만, 그런 비난에 아랑곳하지 않았습니다. 이 날은 위대한 날이었습니다. 그의 하나님은 오직 위대하고 진실한 하나님이셨습니다. 그는 주님 앞에서 기뻐하며 뛸 것입니다!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

David's wife, Michal, ridiculed her husband, the King, for his "undignified" exuberance as he rejoiced and danced before the Ark of the Covenant as it returned. Apparently, David wasn't kingly enough for Michal. David refused, however, to be deterred by her criticism. The ark's return was a reason for celebration. His God was the only true and living God. His God had given him victory after victory over dangerous foes. His God had preserved his people through hardships and difficulties over a long history of challenges, oppression, wandering, and battling. In his joyous delight, David was determined to celebrate before the Lord with a full heart, a dancing body, and without concern for his position in Israel. God had brought this day of deliverance, so David declared, "I will celebrate before the Lord." Shouldn't we?

내 기도

전능하신 주 하나님, 은혜와 자비가 충만하시며 능력과 거룩함으로 놀라우신 분, 당신은 나의 기쁨, 소망, 미래입니다. 나는 오직 한분 하나님, 모든 영광, 존귀, 찬양이 합당하신 당신안에 즐거워합니다. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.

My Prayer...

Lord God Almighty, you are full of grace and mercy, awesome in power and holiness; you are my joy, my hope, and my future. I rejoice in you as the only One and the only thing worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. I will celebrate you, O Lord, for you alone are worthy of my praise! In Jesus' name, I cry, Hallelujah, and amen.

오늘의 말씀 묵상에서 "오늘의 묵상"과 "내 기도" 부분은 Phil Ware 의 저작물입니다. 문의사항이나 제안이 있으실 경우 phil@verseoftheday.com 로 메일 주시기 바랍니다.

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 사무엘하 6:21

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