오늘의 묵상

사람들을 볼 때에, 예수님의 눈으로 보도록, 그래서 하나님의 일하심이 필요한 사람들을 우리 눈이 알아보는 것을 도와주시길 간구합시다. 하나님의 일하심이 무엇일까요? 음... 예수님은 그 질문에 이렇게 답하셨지요: "하나님께서 보내신 이를 믿는 것이 곧 하나님의 일이다." (요한복음 6:28-29)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Let's ask God to help us view people through the eyes of Jesus so that we will see them as someone in whom the work of God needs to be displayed. When Jesus and his followers approached a man who was blind from birth, the disciples assumed that this misfortune had happened because someone had sinned. Jesus saw their labeling of the man as dehumanizing to the man and a dismissal of his value as a person because they thought he had sinned or his parents had. So, Jesus taught them, and if we pay attention, he teaches us to see a person's hurt as our opportunity and responsibility to bring God's grace to someone in need. So, what is this work of God we are to help display in people's lives? Jesus had answered that question earlier in his ministry: "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent" (John 6:28-29) — Jesus!

내 기도

아버지, 예수님께서 보셨던 것처럼 제 주위 사람들을 보도록 도와주십시오. 그들의 삶 속에서 당신의 일하심이 이루어지는 것을 보기 원하오니, 무례한 자에게 인내심을, 상처주는 이에게 친절함을, 예수님의 복음을 들을 준비가 되어있는 자에게 담대함을 보여주도록 도와 주시옵소서. 예수 그리스도 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.

My Prayer...

Father, please help me see the people around me as Jesus does. I want to ensure that your work is done in their lives. Please give me patience with rude people, tenderness with hurting people, and boldness with those who are ready to hear the Good News of Jesus. Use me to help others display your work in their lives! In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray. Amen.

오늘의 말씀 묵상에서 "오늘의 묵상"과 "내 기도" 부분은 Phil Ware 의 저작물입니다. 문의사항이나 제안이 있으실 경우 [email protected] 로 메일 주시기 바랍니다.

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 요한복음 9:3

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