오늘의 묵상
구원하시기 위하여 — 바로 예수님이 살아가신 방식입니다! 다른 이들의 삶과는 다르게 살아가셨습니다. 남과 대등하게 되거나, 당연한 내 몫을 차지하거나, 논쟁에서 이기려고 하는 것들이 그분의 목표가 아니었습니다. 어떤 이를 만나든, 그/그녀를 만난 그 상태보다 더욱 구원에 가깝도록, 더욱 축복받은 상태가 되도록 소통하시는 것이 예수님께서 중점을 둔 삶이었습니다.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
REDEMPTIVELY — That's how Jesus lived! He sought to make a difference in the lives of everyone he met — friends, sinners, and adversaries. His goal wasn't getting even, getting what was rightfully his, or even winning the arguments he had. Jesus focused on interacting with people redemptively. His mission was to leave them more blessed than where he first found them. The apostle Paul lived with the same goal. He could say, "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22). In our passage today, he challenges us to do the same!
내 기도
오 하나님 다른 이들에게 품었던 억울한 마음이나 사악한 생각들을 용서해 주십시오. 예수님께서 그러셨던 것처럼 그들을 보고 가치있게 여기도록 도와주십시오. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.
My Prayer...
Forgive me, O God, for the grudges I've harbored and the evil things I've thought about others. Help me to see others and value them as Jesus does- how he valued them when he ministered to them while on earth. Please use me to be a redemptive influence on all my life touches. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen.