오늘의 묵상
예수님의 선물과 함께 우리에게 도착한 것은 놀라운 책임입니다 — 우리는 그분을 듣고, 따르고, 높여야 합니다! 예수님 이전에 예언자 혹은 왕으로서 존재했던 하나님의 작은 전달자들에게 순종하라고 요구하셨다면, 하나님의 아들 예수님의 영광을 우리에게 비치도록 하늘 곳간을 텅텅 비우셨는데 우리가 예수님의 말씀을 더 잘 경청할 책임이 있지 않겠습니까?
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
As with all the daily verses this year, we are syncing with the date, so finding a 12:25 reference related to Jesus' birth was difficult. But I believe that Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection confront us with a choice on what to do with the wonder, joy, and glory God has lavished on us in Jesus. When God made Herod face the choice of what to do with Jesus, the evil and corrupt king met Jesus with violent rejection, jealous hatred, and murderous intent. Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Anna, Simeon, the shepherds, the angels, and the magi joyfully accepted God's invitation to grace in Jesus. We can, too! With the gift of Jesus comes a tremendous opportunity and responsibility: we must choose to listen, obey, follow, and honor Christ — both the Christ child and Christ, who is our Savior and Lord! Since God demanded that his people obey his lesser messengers — prophets, priests, and kings in the days before Jesus — imagine how much more is our responsibility. God emptied heaven of his Son's glory to send him to earth as one of us so that the Light of Life could shine on us and bring us salvation. What a glorious gift, a divine present!
내 기도
사랑하는 아버지, 당신의 아들이시며 저의 구원자이신 예수님을 보내셨음에 감사를 드립니다. 사랑하는 주님, 그 선물을 제가 받을 만한 당연한 것으로 생각하지 않기를 원합니다. 제가 신실하게 예수님께 경청하고 예수님을 섬길 수 있는 지혜를 주시고 힘 주시옵소서. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.
My Prayer...
Thank you, dear Father, for sending your Son and my Savior, Jesus. Please, dear Lord, I do not want to ever take the gift of Jesus for granted. Please, Holy Spirit, empower me and give me wisdom so I can faithfully know, obey, and honor Jesus with my life as you transform me with increasing glory to become more and more like him. I thank you and ask for your continuing grace, Father, in the precious name of Jesus, the Christ child and my Lord! Amen.