
Diferente dos professores do seu dia, Jesus não tinha que apoiar seus ensinamentos com citações obscuras de mestres do passado. Jesus, a Palavra de Deus, falou as próprias palavras de Deus. Ele fez e disse o que era da vontade do Pai. Sua vida e suas palavras eram autênticas e tinham uma consciência do poder que se estende através das épocas e nos chamam à verdade dele. Este Jesus, nosso Mestre e Senhor, é diferente. Então sua vontade deve ser nossa paixão!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Unlike the teachers of his day, Jesus didn't have to shore up his teaching with obscure quotes from past teachers and well-known rabbis. Jesus, the very Word of God (John 1:1-18), spoke the words of God. He did and said what the Father willed. His life and his words had the ring of authenticity. The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) want to spark an awareness in us of Jesus' power and authority so that through the ages, they still invite us to embrace his truth and follow him as our Lord. This Jesus, our Teacher and Savior, is so much more than another great teacher, extraordinary prophet, or wise sage. His words are powerful. His teachings are authoritative. His life is breathtaking. His love is beyond compare. So, dear friend of Jesus, his will must be our passion!


Santo Deus, obrigado por falar através dos seus profetas e através das Escrituras. Mas, Pai, eu Lhe louvo por dar sua maior mensagem através de Jesus. Ao ver o caráter da vida dele, me chego a Ti. Ao ouvir a autenticidade das suas palavras, procuro obedecer humildemente. Obrigado por enviar Jesus para ser meu professor, meu guia, meu Senhor e meu Salvador. No nome dele, Jesus, eu oro. Amém. [Veja outra meditação sobre este versículo no devocional diário "Jesus disse..." em ]

My Prayer...

Holy God, thank you for speaking through your prophets and the holy Scriptures. But, dear Father, I praise you for speaking your most complete and perfect message in Jesus. As I see the character of his life, I am drawn to you. As I hear the authenticity in his words and see them demonstrated in his sacrificial life, I seek to obey him and follow him as his disciple. Thank you for sending Jesus to be my teacher, my guide, my Lord, and my Savior. I pray this in his name, Jesus the Messiah and Son of God. Amen.

Os pensamentos e a oração do Devocional Para Hoje são de autoria de Phil Ware. "Você pode enviar perguntas ou comentários para [email protected]."

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Mateus 7:28-29
