Nós mostramos quem está em controle das nossas vidas pela maneira que vivemos! Mostramos nosso relacionamento com o Pai ao viver com seu caráter no nosso mundo. Então, vamos viver sob o controle do Espírito – obedecendo a Palavra inspirada pelo Espírito e seguindo o Espírito – assim podemos mostrar e compartilhar Jesus através do que falamos e fazemos!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We show who is in control of our lives by how we live. Do we live as children of God? Then we show we are submitting to the leadership of the Holy Spirit! We show our relationship as children of the Father by living with his character in our world. We trust the Holy Spirit to help us become transformed (2 Corinthians 3:18) to be more like Jesus, our older brother (Romans 8:14-17; Hebrews 2:14-18) as we display the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). So, let's live under the control of the Spirit — obeying the Spirit's inspired Word in the Scriptures and following the Spirit's lead in our daily lives. In this way, we can show and share Jesus in all we say and do!
Querido Pai, por favor, faça com que a beleza, a graça e a santidade de Jesus sejam vistas em mim. Que a minha vida mostre o controle, a graça e o fruto do Espírito Santo em tudo que faço hoje e todos os dias. No nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém.
My Prayer...
Dear Father, please help me display Jesus' beauty, grace, and holiness in my life. May I demonstrate the Holy Spirit's leading, power, and fruit in all I do each day? I ask for this grace as I pray in Jesus' name and under his authority. Amen.