
Em tempos de maldade e adversidade, o povo de Deus pode perder de vista as “grandes e preciosas promessas” do Pai. Deus cumpriu suas promessas ao longo dos séculos. Esta fidelidade do passado é nosso lembrete de que podemos confiar na sua promessa da salvação que experimentaremos completamente um dia com ele. Mesmo na nossa noite mais escura, Deus não nos abandonou. Ele vê e sabe o que fazemos e como nos sentimos. Frequentemente, no entanto, o Senhor está observando para ver como viveremos em tempos difíceis. Ele quer que mostremos que seremos fiéis durante estes tempos difíceis. Ele quer que vejamos que podemos confiar nele e que Ele ainda está trabalhando no nosso mundo e nas nossas vidas. Vamos continuar fiéis, confiando que o Deus que preservou Israel e trouxe o Messias prometido através de Israel também nos preservará e abençoará!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Special Note: Please remember the verses for this year were selected based on the date corresponding to the reference — September 9 is 9/9 or Ezekiel 9:9. This sometimes brings us challenging messages, but after much prayer, we believe these are messages the Holy Spirit wants us to hear.

Ezekiel had prepared for thirty years to be a priest, yet when it was time for him to serve in God's temple in Jerusalem, the city was largely destroyed, and Ezekiel was in exile. God had promised the northern tribes of Israel and the southern tribe of Judah that they would suffer the consequences of their social injustice, rebellion against righteousness, and unwillingness to obey God. God is true to his promises, and he will restore his people, but not until they feel the consequences of their own hard hearts and evil choices. Beyond this time of justice, God will ransom his righteous remnant and bring it back to their land, and they will be his people. But we must remember that God does not ignore rebellion, sin, and evil. Nice religious slogans, going to religious places, and listening to nice religious songs did not spare them from suffering the consequences of their evil choices. Nor will they spare us today. However, God longs to save and bless so we can turn our hearts to him and receive the grace he so longs to give us. But, dear friend, this repentance means a heart change that leads us back to living for God!


Nos meus tempos de maior luta e de mais alta alegria, querido Senhor, por favor, ajude-me a ser fiel aos seus olhos. No nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém. || Veja a imagem especial em

My Prayer...

In my times of darkest struggle or loftiest joy, dear Lord, please help me be found faithful to you and your will. Please help me be an example of genuine repentance, steadfast love, righteous character, and gracious compassion. In Jesus' name, I pray for revival, repentance, and restoration among your people, O Lord. Amen.

Os pensamentos e a oração do Devocional Para Hoje são de autoria de Phil Ware. "Você pode enviar perguntas ou comentários para [email protected]."

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Ezequiel 9:9-10
