
Não sei sobre você, mas sou uma pessoa extremamente visual. Realmente aprecio a maneira que Deus fez o mundo com toda a sua variedade, cores e rica diversidade. Sou grato também pela maneira que ele usou certas imagens chaves no nosso mundo para nos lembrar da sua provisão diária e da graça eterna. A beleza de um arco-íris não é apenas lindo por causa das cores, ou no aroma da chuva, mas na promessa que nosso Deus escolheu ligar-se ao nosso destino e envolver-se no nosso mundo!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I don't know about you, but I'm very visual. So, I appreciate how God made the world with all its varied colors, many species, and rich landscapes. I am thankful that our Father in Heaven used key images in our world to remind us of his daily provision and eternal grace. The beauty of a rainbow is not just in its beautiful colors or the aroma of fresh rain that often accompanies it but also in the covenant God made with us and our world after the Great Flood. The eternal and living God chose to link himself to our destiny and to involve himself in our world because of his love and grace. With the rainbow as his symbol, God promised not to destroy all life on our planet with a flood. Each of us is God's creation from the womb, so we are precious to him (Psalm 139:13-16). So, we commit to living morally and responsibly to God as we seek to honor him and his covenant represented by the rainbow (Genesis 9:4-7) and refuse to dishonor this covenant with wickedness (Genesis 9:22-24). God made the rainbow as a reminder that he loves us and calls us to honor him with our character and care for his creation.


Todo Poderoso Deus, obrigado por ter feito suas grandes promessas quando não tínhamos nenhum direito de esperar, muito menos exigi-las. Obrigado por ter colado essas promessas a coisas no meu mundo cotidiano para que posso ser relembrado do seu constante cuidado. No nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém. || Veja a imagem de hoje:

My Prayer...

Almighty God, thank you for making your great promises when we had no right to expect them, much less to demand them. Thank you for attaching those promises to things in my everyday world that remind me of your constant and watchful care. In Jesus' name, I ask for strength and wisdom to respond to your grace in holiness and honor. Amen.

Os pensamentos e a oração do Devocional Para Hoje são de autoria de Phil Ware. "Você pode enviar perguntas ou comentários para [email protected]."

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Gênesis 9:16
