
O apóstolo Paulo sabia que estava numa guerra contra forças espirituais opostas a Deus (Efésios 6:10-12). Ao passo em que essas força talvez tenham grande influência no mundo, Paulo estava determinado que o engano de Satanás não controlaria as igrejas de Deus. Ele estava comprometido com a verdade numa época obcecada com muitos deuses, crenças e escolhas diferentes. Podemos ser menos vigilantes hoje em dia, numa cultura obcecada com tantas idéias semelhantes às dos dias de Paulo?

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The apostle Paul knew he was in a war against spiritual forces opposed to God (Ephesians 6:10-12) and the false teachers under their influence. While these forces and influences may have a great deal of impact on the world at large, Paul determined he would do all he could, empowered by the Spirit, to keep Satan's deceptions from ruling in God's churches. He was committed to truth in an age obsessed with many different gods, beliefs, and choices. Can we be any less vigilant in our day? Can we be any less committed to the truth in our culture so obsessed with many of the same ideas Paul confronted? Of course not! We must demolish every argument "and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God"!


Santo Deus, por favor, perdoe a nossa falta de vigilância espiritual e covardia no mercado de idéias. Incentive-nos através do seu Espírito para falar a verdade em amor. Convença-nos da necessidade de confrontar idéias que são prejudiciais à fé, santidade e verdade com sabedoria santa. Desperte-nos da nossa preguiça e chame-nos de novo para sermos seu povo santo e comprometido. No nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém. || Veja a imagem em

My Prayer...

O, holy God, please forgive our lack of spiritual vigilance and cowardice in the marketplace of ideas. Stir us by your Spirit to speak the truth in love. Convict us of our need to confront detrimental and hostile ideas to faith, righteousness, and truth with sound and godly wisdom. We want to do this forcefully, clearly, and honorably. Stir our hearts as we seek to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."Arouse us to be your holy and committed people, we pray, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Os pensamentos e a oração do Devocional Para Hoje são de autoria de Phil Ware. "Você pode enviar perguntas ou comentários para [email protected]."

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 2 Coríntios 10:5
