
Quando falamos sobre dar a Deus, ou à obra de Deus, devemos lembrar que tudo pertence a ele. Ele não precisa das nossas ofertas para realizar sua obra. Por outro lado, nós precisamos compartilhar as bênçãos que Ele tem nos confiado. O que “temos” na verdade não é nosso; é tudo dele, confiado a nós para colocar a serviço de outros, para a obra e glória de Deus.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

When we talk about giving to God and the work of God, we must remember that all we have is his. He doesn't need our gifts to do his work in the world — after all, he made all creation without us. On the other hand, we need to share the blessings he has entrusted to us because he commanded us to do so and because we are most like God when we give and forgive. What we 'have' isn't really ours; it's all his, entrusted to us to be put into useful service to others for God's work and God's glory, so others may see it and know: "Correct me, Lord, but only with justice — not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing."


Poderoso Deus e Criador do universo, eu louvo seu gênio criativo revelado através da incrível variedade encontrada na sua criação. Por favor, esteja conosco, seus filhos humanos, na nossa busca de sermos mordomos fiéis deste presente maravilhoso. Em nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém. || Veja a imagem

My Prayer...

Almighty God and Creator of the universe, we praise your creative genius revealed through the incredible variety found in your creation. Please be with us, your human children and Jesus' disciples, as we seek to be faithful stewards of this beautiful gift and the many others you have lavished on us. We want to be the conduits of your blessing to those around us by being generous and reflecting your grace displayed in giving, forgiving, and creating. In Jesus' name, we pray to grow in the grace of giving as we recognize your glory in the creation you have shared with us. Amen.

Os pensamentos e a oração do Devocional Para Hoje são de autoria de Phil Ware. "Você pode enviar perguntas ou comentários para [email protected]."

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 1 Coríntios 10:26
