Josué é um dos meus heróis favoritos da Bíblia. Ele foi um grande servo para Moisés. Ele recusou ser persuadido pelos seus colegas ou pela multidão quando foi espião na Terra Prometida. Ele seguiu os passos de um grande líder e foi um grande líder – uma tarefa difícil! Josué foi vigoroso e vital até na velhice. Acima de tudo, Josué foi obediente a Deus e fez tudo que Deus ordenou que fizesse, e também o que Deus tinha ordenado a Moisés. Em outras palavras, Josué foi fiel.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Joshua is one of my favorite Bible heroes. He was a great servant to Moses. He refused to be swayed by his peers or by the crowd when he spied out the Promised Land. He followed in the footsteps of a great leader and was a great leader himself — that's not an easy task! Joshua was vigorous and vital even in his old age. Most of all, Joshua was obedient to God and did everything that God had commanded him to do, as well as what God had commanded Moses that he should do. In other words, Joshua was faithful!
Ó Senhor Deus, meu Aba Pai, quando a história da minha vida for contada, que eu seja achado fiel em tudo que o Senhor tem pedido de mim. Quero servi-lo com um coração dedicado e uma vida que traz a devida glória e louvor ao Senhor. No nome de Jesus eu oro. Amém. || Veja a imagem:
My Prayer...
O Lord God, my Abba Father, when I am gone, and people tell the story of my life, may I be viewed as one who was faithful to all that you have asked of me. I want to serve you with an undivided heart and a life that brings you glory and praise, the glory and praise you deserve for your generous grace. And I want this legacy of faithfulness to be as true in my latter years as I wanted it to be true in my younger years! In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.