Размышление над стихом дня

Над Давидом насмехались, когда он радовался и танцевал перед Богом, когда несли Ковчег завета в Иерусалим. Но он отказался принять эту критику. Это был великий день. Его Бог это единственный великий и истинный Бог. Он праздновал перед Господом!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

David's wife, Michal, ridiculed her husband, the King, for his "undignified" exuberance as he rejoiced and danced before the Ark of the Covenant as it returned. Apparently, David wasn't kingly enough for Michal. David refused, however, to be deterred by her criticism. The ark's return was a reason for celebration. His God was the only true and living God. His God had given him victory after victory over dangerous foes. His God had preserved his people through hardships and difficulties over a long history of challenges, oppression, wandering, and battling. In his joyous delight, David was determined to celebrate before the Lord with a full heart, a dancing body, and without concern for his position in Israel. God had brought this day of deliverance, so David declared, "I will celebrate before the Lord." Shouldn't we?

Моя молитва

Господь Бог всемогущий, полный благодати и милости, чудесный в силе и святости, Ты моя радость, моя надежда и мое будущее. Я радуюсь в Тебе, потому что Ты единственный достоин всей славы, чести и хвалы. Во имя Иисуса Христа молюсь. Аминь.

My Prayer...

Lord God Almighty, you are full of grace and mercy, awesome in power and holiness; you are my joy, my hope, and my future. I rejoice in you as the only One and the only thing worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. I will celebrate you, O Lord, for you alone are worthy of my praise! In Jesus' name, I cry, Hallelujah, and amen.

Размышления и молитва, связанные со стихом дня, написаны Филиппом Варе. Свои вопросы или комментарии можете направлять на phil@verseoftheday.com

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 2. Царств 6:21
