Размышление над стихом дня
Моисей дает нам три главных руководства относительно Божьих заповедей. Первое, как родители, это является нашей обязанностью учить этим заповедям наших детей – это не обязанность правительства или школы или даже церкви. Второе, мы должны учить этим заповедям ежедневно, когда мы делаем наши ежедневные дела. Третье, мы должны учить этим заповедям постоянно, нашими словами и нашей жизнью, когда мы воспитываем наших детей.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Moses gives us three crucial messages about God's commandments that were given to Moses for the people of God.
- As parents, it is our responsibility to teach God's commandments to our children — not the responsibility of the government, schools, or even our churches. While we hope these will reinforce our values, it is our responsibility as parents!
- We are to teach God's commandments in the everyday course of life as we go about our routines as a family. This organic teaching method should be built into our daily way of life and help connect our children with the practical application of God's commands.
- We are to teach them continuously by both our words and our example as we seek to raise our children to honor God and his holy values.
Now we can look at teaching God's commands to our children as a job, a burden, a heavy responsibility, or we can see it as an opportunity to shape a life for the future and partner with God in raising a child to be a person who will make an eternal difference for the Kingdom of God. What a joy to be a part of such a holy, eternal, and influential partnership!
Моя молитва
О, Господь Бог, прошу Тебя, благослови меня, так как я хочу зажечь моей верой других, особенно мою семью. Прошу Тебя, благослови меня постоянством, чтобы я мог верно свидетельствовать им, правильными словами, в нужное время, и смелость и чуткость сказать это с любовью и не унижая их, и смелость жить как образец для моих детей и внуков. Во имя Иисуса Христа молюсь. Аминь.
My Prayer...
O Lord God, please bless me as I seek to impart my faith to others, especially to those in my family. Please bless me with a consistent and faithful witness to them. Please have the Holy Spirit give me the right words to say and the wisdom to know when the time is right to say them. Please give me the strength and sensitivity to share your truth with loving respect along with the courage to leave a strong Christian example. May those I influence see my joy in living for you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.