Размышление над стихом дня
Да, я сто процентов не желаю быть в Божьем списке "Я ненавижу!" Такие люди отвратительны для Него. Кто же такие творящие зло? Это те, которые имеют сердце, в котором находится, зло, нечистота, лукавство, жадность, нечестность и жестокость. И эти вещи проявляется в их отношениях, взглядах и мнениях. В конечном счете, Иисус напоминает нам, что такое сердце проявит себя в действиях и поступках. Как нам изменить наше сердце? Нужно прийти к Богу в покаянии, исповедуя наши грехи и все наше зло, и, прося Бога очистить нас и сделать нас новыми людьми с помощью Духа Святого.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Can any of us say, "I am confident that the Lord will say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant'"? We can't make a claim to be blameless in our own achievements. We are blameless, but not because of our perfection. We are blameless because Jesus' sacrifice has forgiven and cleansed us and the Holy Spirit is working to perfect our behavior so it matches our standing in grace before God (2 Corinthians 3:18). Paul could tell Timothy that he had been the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:12-17), yet he was confident that he had done what God had called him to do and he would wear a glorious crown of righteousness when Jesus comes again (2 Timothy 4:6-8). His assurance was because of God's grace in Jesus (1 Timothy 1:15-17). I don't know about you, but I am thankful to know that we can bring the Lord delight as our children bring us delight even though they are not fully mature or perfect in their behaviors. We pursue blamelessness because of Jesus' sacrifice. God views us blameless because of that same sacrifice.
Моя молитва
Создай во мне новое сердце, о, Господь и обнови присутствие Духа Святого во мне. Во имя Иисуса Христа молюсь. Аминь.
My Prayer...
May my words and my actions bring you delight, O Lord, my God! You have done so much for me, dear Father, I want to bring you great joy as I seek to live blamelessly before you trusting in your grace to make me what I cannot be on my own efforts! In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.